Sunday, September 2, 2012

Quick Update :)

Well i have a couple little things to show you guys. I finished snapping together the back pack for the PG MK.II shortly after my post yesterday so that means she is ready for paints. I am currently not at my house with my airbrush and what not, not like that matters though because i am thinking i am gonna invest in a new compressor and spray booth when i get payed so i can move my painting from my garage to the indoors. so that is why i have not started tearing this thing down yet. but here are some photos to enjoy even if it is bare plastic. :)

Now like i said earlier about not painting yet, well since i am not painting i decided to start snapping together my recently acquired PG Gundam Astray Red Frame and well when you open the box you see LOTS of red.

 This photo is a little decieving on how many runners there really are and how many of them are red lol but that doesn't really matter the point is there is a lot. now these next photos will show you something that they did have in the PG MK.II to an extent but still blows me away.

Now on the MK.II alone i thought these types of pre assembled parts (which still amaze me) would be a pain to paint and they are only one color now these being two colors i can guarantee are going to be a serious pain in the ass. and to clarify that entire hand is connected in the picture above so it will be interesting to see how it folds into place.

So i can deal with those hands being a pain to paint but this next photo just left me scratching my head. why did bandai not make this two pieces?

And if anyone cares, the red frame was built on top of the PG Strike Gundams frame and so a lot of the pieces are recolors of Strike components and they are all colored in a darker shade of red which i think is really cool giving the model a little more flavor and depth so here is a comparison

Thanks for stopping by guys and gals so until next time.

Stay classy

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