Speaking of mod work. i am still trying to brainstorm something but i originally just wanted to light this sucker up, but i have been stumped in my quest to add LED's to the leg vents. The leg vents actually slide in and out making it impossible if i want to keep that feature of the kit. If i decided i didn't want to keep that feature it would still be difficult due to the construction its self. I should have taken pictures of what it looks like but it doesn't seem practical, but maybe i just need to come back to it later and see if that opens my mind up a little more.
On yet another note i am still trying to decide on my color scheme. I initially was gonna do somewhat of an Amuro/Nu Gundam rip off using his unicorn and Amuro logos with a black/white/yellow scheme. Now i am kinda starting to think i might do something similar to the MK.III but with more varying shades of grey
So let me know what you guys think and any ideas or advice is always welcome. here is some pictures like i said so enjoy even though they are pretty bad pictures lol :)
It's on buddy